Throneroom Ministries

A Praying Grandmother
Wednesday - March 12, 2025

Are you praying for someone that you love to accept Jesus but have not yet seen your prayers answered. Well, hold on, it's not over yet. Here is a story of a praying grandmother that we hope will inspire you to keep on praying and never give up.

She arrived off of the boat in Ellis Island, all the way from Italy with her new husband. She was all but 16 years old. Although she and her husband came to America to make a better life for themselves, they ended up poor, sick and alone. Eventually they had 3 children; 2 boys and 1 girl. A Christian woman befriended her, gave her help, took her children in when she was too sick to care for them and brought her to her Pentecostal church. There she accepted Jesus and from that moment on, He was the love of her life. She lived her life for Him and spent every moment that she could reading the bible, going to church and praying for her family. All she talked about was Jesus. And although life still had its trouble, her oldest son was killed in a tragic accident and her husband died at a young age, her faith grew stronger.

As time went on, her youngest son fell in love, married and moved to a city 400 miles away where he and his wife raised their 2 children. Her daughter stayed close by, married and had 4 children. Unfortunately, neither one of her children walked with the Lord but she prayed for them. Day after day, year after year, she prayed. She prayed for her family to come together again, she prayed for their protection but most of all, she prayed that they would know Jesus. But, no matter how much she prayed, she saw no change. Her grandchildren grew up and were too busy having a good time in this world to even acknowledge whom He was. They just didn't care. But this grandmother continued to pray.

When she finally went home to be with the Lord, none of her family members were saved and her son, daughter and their families still lived hundreds of miles apart. It would seem that her prayers were never answered. But wait!! One by one, her family members began to accept Jesus. And not only that, her granddaughter and husband that had lived 400 miles away from her moved to a city down south. Another granddaughter and her family moved to that same city along with her mother. And they were all saved! Next came a great grandson. Now the rest of her grandchildren are talking about moving to that same city. Her prayer for her family to all be together had come to pass. And almost all of her family is saved! Hallelujah!

How do I know this story? That praying grandmother was my very own, Nanny. Praise God - I had a praying grandmother. Although Nanny never saw any of this in her lifetime, her prayers were answered. Never give up. Never stop praying for your loved ones. Even if you don't see it in your lifetime, your prayers will be answered. It's a promise from God. 2 Peter 3:8 says "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance".

Here is a great article on How to pray for an Unsaved Loved One that we hope will bless, encourage, and inspire you to keep on praying.  »  How To Pray For An Unsaved Loved One

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