Throneroom Ministries

Prayer for Direction
Wednesday - March 12, 2025

Seek the face of God as you pray for His clear direction in your lives.

Like so many Christians today, we also struggle with direction in our lives. We came across this prayer for direction that we pray will bring you hope and peace. We are all here for a purpose. If we ask the Lord to lead us, to open the right doors for us that no man can close and close the wrong doors for us, to daily seek His face for direction, He will answer. We do not know who to credit this prayer to but suffice it to say, the Lord has answered and sent them where they can be used. Be blessed as you pray for the Lords direction.

Prayer for Direction

Send me where I can be used, Lord, choose the path that I am to walk, and guide my footsteps so I will not stray from the direction You have set for me. Show me where I am needed not where I want to be.

Though I may desire to take the easiest route, help me to understand that the boulders in the path are put there for my growth.

Though I may make mistakes, help me to accept criticism and correction, and turn me from temptation lest I stray from Your way.

Give me strength, Lord, to be Your willing servant even when my friends and family try to influence me otherwise.

Help me to discern those that are trying to help from those that would hinder me in my service to You.

I may yearn for roses and fields of amber grain, but if You choose, Lord, I'll live among the thorns and fields smothered with weeds.

Just make me content wherever You plant me so that I may bloom for Your glory, not mine.

I put my health, happiness and life into Your hands...and ask only Your blessings, dear Lord, because I know You will.

Protect me, Sustain me, And satisfy me throughout the days that I serve You, and that You will take me home to rest when my work on earth is done.


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